2021 -2022-committee

2021-2022 Committee

Committee and Society members gathered for an AGM on Saturday 28 August 2021 at The China Club


Patron (Cambridge): Sir David K.P. Li GBM, GBS, OBE, JP

President: Mr. David Ching

Vice President: Mr. Richard Tsun

Honorary Secretary: Mr. David Fu

Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Stephen Liu

Immediate Past President: Ms. Lizzie Fraser

2021 – 2022 Committee Members:
Mr. Jeremy Ip

Mr. Vincent Ko

Mr. Noel Lam

Mr. Arthur Law

Mr. Roger Lin

Mr. James Liu

Ms. Rowena Lui

Mr. Edward Ma, Jr.

Ms. Louisa Mak

Mr. Rupert McCowan

Mr. Arun Nigam

Dr. Christopher See

Mr. Arthur Shek

Mr. Mong Thien Shim

Mrs. Gail Southward

Ms. Josephine Tsoi

Dr. Blanc Wan

Mr. Michael Chi On Wong

Mr. Yong Kai Wong

Ms. Joanna Yeo

Mr. Jonathan Young


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